Monday, July 20, 2009

Doubt vs Faith

This was a short poem that I read a long time back and it's stuck in my head ever I thought it would be a great start to my blog since this will be my first post.....which also means that I don't have anything else to write that I can think of right now....hehe. Well, here goes...
Doubt sees the obstacles,
Faith sees the way...
Doubt sees the darkest night,
Faith sees the day...
Doubt dreads to take a step,
Faith soars on high...
Doubt questions , "Who believes?",
Faith answers , "I".


  1. hey you,
    Just wanted to stop by and say hello. :) I hope you continue to blog. If you do, I will definitely add you to my list of blogs to read..
    love you and miss you


  2. Hey... welcome to the blogging world... so there u took ur tiny step.. not bad... now write some more... :)
